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Bents Green School is a secondary school for young people age 11-19. We are a special needs school for young people with Autism Spectrum Condition and Communication and Interaction difficulties. All young people who attend Bents Green School have an Educational, Health, Care Plan (EHCP).

Bents Green School operates over four different sites:

Ringinglow Site – For students in Y7-Y14. The school curriculum has four pathways to match the needs and abilities of students within the Ringinglow site. See website for further details.

Gleadless Site – For students in Y7-Y11. The school curriculum has three pathways to match the needs and abilities of students within the Gleadless site. See website for further details.

Enterprise Works (Post 16) – For students in Y12-Y14. See website for further details.

Westfield Hub – Based at Westfield School, this is our specialist hub. Students here are on roll at Bents Green School but access Westfield School lessons. Students are supported to access mainstream lessons and follow GCSE courses. Students will have some lessons delivered within the Hub, however, we expect students to access at least 50% of mainstream lessons. Students who are selected to access the Hub provision are academically able to manage the GCSE curriculum and manage the sensory environment of a mainstream school. 

Bents Green School follows the Sheffield City Council policy on school admissions: Apply for a school place | Sheffield City Council

Parents/Carers wishing to apply for a place at Bents Green School should speak with their school SENCO. All young people attending Bents Green School must have an Educational, Health, Care Plan (EHCP). 

Students with an EHCP should be discussing transition options as early as Y4 or Y5 as part of the annual review process.

Parents/Carers can request a tour of the school by contacting the school directly. We hold tours every month for Parents/Carers. The tour and information session usually takes over 1 hour as we share information about the curriculum offer for all year groups.

We would encourage Parents/Carers to refer to the Sheffield Local Offer for further details and support: Local Offer | Sheffield

We would also ask Parents/Carers to refer to the SEN Code of Practice 2015: SEND code of practice: 0 to 25 years - GOV.UK (Pages 172-174)

For more information please see our Accessibility Policy below: