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Useful Information

Below is a selection of organisations and resources that our families can access within the community to help support your young person's development.

A User-friendly Guide to the ASD Assessment Process

Please see a very useful support document for schools and parents.  The guide has been written by Karen Arnold Consultant  Paediatrician at Ryegate. 

Learn Sheffield SEND processes

Learn Sheffield have translated the SEND processes into Arabic, Slovak and Urdu. These are the flowcharts which describe:

  • SEN support/graduated approach
  • Sheffield Support Grid
  • MyPlans
  • EHC needs assessments
  • EHC Plan annual reviews
  • Preparation for Adulthood
  • Early Years Partnership process

All files are on the Learn Sheffield website

SEND News Sheffield

Welcome to your update on Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) in Sheffield.  For parents, carers, professionals, and everyone interested in SEND.

Sign up here

If you have any difficulties with the sign-up page then please e-mail:

IPSEA help and guidance

Their mission is to help children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities, and their families and carers, to get the appropriate education, training and support to which they are entitled under the law. 

Further information can be found on their website.

Applying for a Bus Pass

Please use this link to apply for a student bus pass.

Apply for a student bus pass

Family Train Tickets

Please see a guide to booking family train tickets to help people find out how to travel as well as ways families can save money on train tickets and child fare information.

Family Train Tickets

Sheffield Childrens Hospital NHS Resources

Please use this link to access Sheffield Childrens NHS Sensory Processing resources for information and support with understanding your child's Sensory Processing difficulties that you may find useful. 

Please use this link to access Sheffield Childrens NHS Autism Support resources for information and support with understanding your child's Autism diagnosis that you may find useful. 

Eat Smart Sheffield - Healthy Breakfast Factsheet

The factsheet was developed to encourage families to choose healthier options at breakfast time. Please use the Eat Smart link to their website.

Or via this link: Healthy Breakfast Factsheet

Disabled Children - A Legal Handbook Version 3

Benefits & Money

You might be starting to think about your son or daughter’s financial independence and how they’ll start to manage their own money. You’ll also need to be aware of changes to any benefits payments you or your child receive to help with their support as they turn 16.

Benefits & money | Contact

Sheffield Parent Hub

Please use this link to book on to all the free seminars and courses that MAST provides virtually. There are a lot of very useful and relevant seminars for our families.

Sheffield Parent Hub

Family Action - NeurodiverCity Sheffield 

Please see below resources and support from Family Action, to support families in Sheffield with Neurodivergent children. 
NeurodiverCity Sheffield NeurodiverCity Resources